Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Released: July 2010
In his first marketing book, Greg Verdino combines astute cultural analysis, big picture thinking, and compelling case studies to articulate his vision for building brands and delivering measurable results in the post-social media era. Rather than write just another social media marketing book, Greg set out to provide a strategic yet highly actionable vision for bringing both relationship marketing and integrated marketing communications into the 21st century. Most importantly, it’s a vision that can deliver real results not only for large enterprises but for small businesses (and even solo entrepreneurs) with tight resources, smaller budgets, and limited in-house marketing know-how.
The book is told in vivid and highly entertaining prose, is peppered with engaging stories and compelling examples, and includes a 40-question worksheet that allows readers to begin applying what they’ve learned in order to solve their own business challenges.
From the book jacket:
“In our age of information saturation, consumer attention is the scarcest commodity of all — which makes your job tougher than ever. How do you thread your messages through billions of bite-sized information snapshots to reach the right people? On thing’s for sure, you’re not going to succeed using traditional approaches. Mass marketing is dead; the next big thing is indeed very small. microMARKETING empowers you to rethink, retool, and revitalize your marketing strategies to take full advantage of the opportunities created by the microcontent explosion. A pioneer in the world of miocontent marketing, Greg Verdino helps you create a strategy that emphasizes relationships over reach, interactions over interruption, and social networking over broadcast networks.”
Reinventing Interactive and Direct Marketing
Publisher: McGraw-Hill in association with the Direct Marketing Association
Released: November 2009
Greg contributed a chapter — co-written with Joseph Jaffe — to this collection of marketing thought leadership pieces edited by direct marketing legend Stan Rapp.
In addition to the Verdino/Jaffe collaboration and an introduction by Rapp, the book features chapters by DMA president John Greco; marketing legend Don Schultz; and leading thinkers on a diverse set of topics ranging from search engine optimization and e-mail to mobile and interactive television.
Chris Andersen, author of The Long Tail, called Reinventing Interactive and Direct Marketing “essential reading for marketers” and the DMA’s John Greco called it “a wake-up call for CMOs to think and act differently in a profoundly changed world.”
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