If you follow any of the other crayon blogs (c'mon, you know you do), you may already know about our client Linkory, a site where members can share the memories that matter to them. Over at 93 Colors, Scott Monty called upon The Bard to set the stage for his Linkory post. So I figured I would call upon the bard of our modern times, Jon Bon Jovi. And so I ask you:
Do you want to make a memory?
Let's be honest. There's "HISTORY" and there's history. "HISTORY" is the sanitized, homogenized pablum you read in text books. But history is the story about what really happened, as seen through the eyes of the people who actually lived the experience. And while everyone's version of the facts may be incomplete and entirely subjective, the collective story is somehow more real than the 'official version' could ever be.
Linkory let's people share their own versions of history -- their memories, their personal takes on what happened and how they feel about it -- and when you get lots of people, all telling their own versions of the same story, the result is a rich tapestry that provides us with a detailed picture of our lives and times.
For example, Scott shared his memory of Blogger Social 2008 -- and I added my own. The two are very different but equally valid. If you were at Social, you might want to add your own. But Linkory, of course, is bigger than the minor events of our lives. It is about the milestones that will define our times and beyond. And, mot importantly, you have the opportunity to help tell our stories.
Linkory is in beta right now and they're looking for all the feedback they can get. I'd love it if you'd click over right now, create an account and start making some memories.
To inspire you to action, here's a little Bon Jovi (no, it ain't "Bad Medicine" but it'll still get the job done.)